scar treatments

Acupuncture and moxibustion can ease the pain, tension and numbness of scar tissue by increasing the flow of Qi and Blood to the scar area.

tree bark

Scar treatments can be an integral part of a Chinese medicine treatment plan.

Occasionally, it is not necessarily the actual scar that is causing the problem, but the surrounding and underlying tissue and structures that could be responsible for pain and discomfort; sometimes for many years.

how it works

According to Kiiko Matsumoto©, connective tissues in the body perform as one complex framework. Any injury, constriction or mitigation will affect another area, not just the one impacted.

The treatment of recent scars facilitates the healing process. The treatment of long-term scars improves Qi and Blood flow to the area, which will have a positive effect on local structures and enhance restoration.

the treatment

Scar treatments can differ, depending on the type of scar, timing within a session and the individual.

The main scar treatments I undertake in my clinic include placing small needles around or on either end of the scar tissue, or following the Dr Manaka protocol, which was developed when he treated burn victims of Hiroshima.

Some people notice a difference to the scar and adjoining structures and tissue straight away, while older or more extensive scars may require weekly treatments over a few weeks before changes can be felt. The scar’s surrounding tissue can soften, pain or tightness can ease, improvement of colour and flexibility will be enhanced around the scar tissue.

Generally new scars are not treated until after six months have elapsed, however, older scars can be treated immediately.


Come and see what Chinese medicine could do for you!