women’s health


Restoring, balancing and invigorating women’s internal cycles by encouraging good health with Chinese medicine.


Women spend approximately 40 years of their lives menstruating, cycling through the promotion and loss of menstrual blood each month.

They then transition into perimenopause, menopause and post menopause which can have effects for 5 - 10 years.


what happens

Some issues can arise, such as infertility, erratic flows, painful cycles or lack of periods.

Women can experience painful cycles, erratic, heavy & light flows, lack of periods, fibroids, infertility, hormonal headaches and hot flushes.

Some of the conditions that are commonly presented in clinic are irregular menstruation, menorrhagia (heavy periods), hypomenorrhoea (light periods), amenorrhea (no periods), irregular menstruation, hormonal headaches, endometriosis and PCOS.  

Symptoms associated with perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause can also be alleviated with regular treatments.

how Chinese medicine can help


Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help with balancing and restoring equilibrium, whether it is by encouraging the free flow of menstruation, reducing the flow, relieving pain, working towards fertiility, alleviating menopausal symptoms and hormone health.

Treatments for women's health have been practised for thousands of years, dating back to Sun Simiao (581-682), who was responsible for putting women’s health utmost in the minds of the ancient physicians.

Treatments can include acupuncture, Chinese herbal formulas, moxibustion, heat lamp therapy and yangsheng.

jujube berries

Come and see what Chinese medicine could do for you!